Thursday, January 31, 2008

No Heat in Parts of 122 on Tuesday, Jan 29th; Off-Hours Contact Procedure

As of today, Thursday, January 31, 2008, Management has confirmed that approximately half of 122 was without heat for much of the day and all of the night (residents in the B and H lines have confirmed this on the Yahoo Message Group) on Tuesday, January 29th.

At least one B-Line resident reported this problem to Security during the evening/early morning of Jan 29/30th and asked them to contact the building superintendents, Raphael Olive (122) and Juan Perez (191/UT).

Security reported to the residents that they had contacted Mr. Perez and relayed a message that "heat would come up," but Mr. Perez did not contact them directly and the heaters remained cold througout the night.

In the morning, the B-Line resident was finally able to reach Mr. Olive directly, who did respond promptly and professionally.

As of 10am Wednesday morning, however, there was still no heat and no response from Management.

Heat was restored later in the day, and Management provided the following statement:

The problem did not affect the entire building, but rather, half the building. The procedure is to call security for them to notify the super on call. You may call security at 718-834-0686. If the officer does not respond to the call, you may call back and speak to the supervisor, who is authorized to make outreach to the super. In this case it would have been Olive. In the morning Juan Perez identified the problem and made a mechanical adjustmentl. Afterwards he checked the computer settings and found the real issue and made the adjustment. All has been back to normal since yesterday mid-morning.

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