"Unofficial" notes taken by the ever wonderful Kiko. Many thanks!!
(40-50 Residents attendance)
1. Jed Marcus, a guest speaker from Fort Green Association (FGA) http://greenfgch.org/
-a. The organization’s GOALS at local level:
--i. To lower global warming
--ii. To raise awareness about resources
----1) Everyone can participate
----2) You don’t have to spend a lot
C Mail-in responses for wind/hydro powers
▪ http://www.conedsolutions.com/residential/greenpowermain.htm
▪ ConEd’s (your electric company) customers pay ONLY few cent’s more per kwh for choosing “green power” (I pay about $35-$40/mo in winter time for studio apt, FYI with ConEd solution option)
-3) Compact fluorescent light bulbs sales via local stores
▪ Uses ¼ electricity
▪ Lasts 10x longer
▪ $100 saving over the 1 bulb lifetime
-b. Since mid 2007…
--i. FGA assisted City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) with Bloomberg’s tree projects in Fort Green area
--ii. FGA assisted City to install “Green Streets” – to help naturally soak up CO2
--iii. FGA encourages ConEd’s Solutions (bullet 1.a.2)
--iv. FGA distributes compact fluorescent light bulbs (bullet 1.a.3)
--v. FGA circulate “green maps”
-c. How people, organization/group, office/business use energy – what can “we” do?
--i. Are they using recycle products – reuse shopping bags?
--ii. Your dry cleaners – ask to reuse the hangers?
-d. Participate as a LEADER to reduce environmental impact at local level?
--i. Caring for newly planted DPR trees – watering, education
--ii. Green power/energy – information in lobby area
--iii. Sell FGA’s bulbs in co-op buildings (Kiko is working out the details w/ Jed for UTAC, stay tuned….)
2. Property Manager’s Report – operational aspects only, by Micheal U.
-a. 122 gas situation
-b. 122 black out – due to faulty fuse
-c. 191 dryers to be replaced by similar units as 122 within the next 1 month
--i. Major plumbing issues, sewer relocation, $$$ to be paid by vendor – currently in negotiation
--ii. Down-time about 1 week, forecasted
-d. Security – Committee has been meeting monthly
-e. Upcoming Spring 2008 work
--i. Re-striping/re-aligning/re-#-ing the parking spaces.
--ii. Perimeter sidewalk repairs at Fleet Street and tree roots
--iii. Elevator modernization
---1) Updating electrical and wiring to each cabs
---2) New drive machine
---3) Intercom/video capabilities
---4) Cab interior upgrade
---5) 10-12 week down-time per cab
---6) 12-week lead time after down-payment & order until delivery
---7) 1st start will be 191 – new/latest change
---8) 175 is next at this time, subject to change
---9) 1.5-year project – 12-week/cab x 6 cabs = 72 weeks
---10) Q: what happens during work if the only working elevator fails?
-----A: another co-op with the same set-up w/o freight/back-up elevator had done the same project previously; Board is investigating this case study.
--iv. 122/191 rear swiper card access now available
--v. Generator project – board approved
▪ Minimal lights among public space only
▪ 1 elevator cab per building
▪ Hallway and lobby only
▪ Parking lot lights
▪ Project at engineering phase
▪ People in need of assistance is already on list with the Building Security and ConEd
--vi. 122 Community Room use is UP – good news
▪ The current damage deposit of $100 may need to go up? If & when there is carpet damage, it is going to cost more than $100 to clean up
--vii. Vent shaft has never been cleaned. Michael U. has reminded the Board (since this topic had been brought up in Summer 2007 Shareholders’ Meeting) to visit this topic.
--viii. Q: vents – what’s up?
-------A: in general, inspection occurs 1x/month. There is a screen at the very top; if it gets clogged, ventilation will not work. There is also a fan belt; if it breaks, it will fail. In winter season, sometimes there will be positive pressure (air incoming into the apt) due to high winds, but otherwise, ventilation should work normally. In winter time, sometimes, the vent wants to be closed to keep your heat in your apt and not get vented out for obvious reasons. Grating inside your apt must be cleaned regularly. If necessary, handymen will help remove the grating but “not” clean for you.
--ix. Q: 191 Laundry Room Ceiling Plumbing – when will it get fixed (this particular damage has been there since last summer-ish)?
-----A: Micheal U. will not wait for next Board Meeting; he will submit request for sewer work approval to Board ASAP.
--x. Q: heat in 122 – what is the matter this year?
-----A: Michael U. to investigate each unit who report.
--xi. Q: UTAC e-mail request not working?
-----A: when submitting, one must attention to Michael U. and follow up as well.
3. Security – by Robin
-a. Has been led by Michael U. and Robin
-b. Meetings with Security Company Management since Summer 2007
-c. Seeking for PERFORMANCE from Security Company
--i. To do list
--ii. Nothing specific to share with Residents b/c it’s a long list
-d. New Account Manager on Site
--i. More time to be spent
-e. Security Handbook – DRAFT
--i. Completed and submitted to Board
--ii. May be able to share with Residents at next Shareholders’ Meeting?
-f. Guards must wear their nametags
-g. High turn-around among GUARDS – PROBLEM?
-h. High turn-around among TENANTS (renters) – PROBLEM?
--i. Guards
--i. Unable to speak English???
--ii. Unable to read English???
--iii. Un-trained???
-i. Forms – Shareholders to take RESPONSIBILITY & INITIATIVE
-j. If noise complaint WITHIN UTAC….
---1) CALL Security and inform
---2) FILE complaint in writing on FORM
▪ Request INCIDENT FORM to be completed by the Guard
▪ If Guard does not, do it yourself
--i. 1 copy to MGMT
--ii. 1 copy at Security
--iii. 1 copy for you
-k. Package issues – continues…
--i. Robin had asked Security Company “if they had enough keys” and they told her YES
--ii. Residents had been told by Guards that, there are not enough keys, when Residents are not informed of their packages arrival
--iii. Packages continue to be MIA
-l. 191/5th Floor
--i. Strangers?
--ii. Possible daycare operations?
-m. 191/10th Floor
--i. Previous 2 weeks – loud music 2am, 5am
-n. 191/9th Floor
--i. Dog issues
---1) Smell
---2) Barks
4. Quality of Life
-a. Playgroup
--i. Parents only program – no sitters, no grandparents
--ii. Up to 3 kids per parent
--iii. Clean up your own
--iv. 2 volunteers on floor at all times
--v. Sign-up – membership program
--vi. Possibly insurance/liability issues to be resolved next week
--vii. Only a “pilot” project for winter time and not summer time & only when there is no other events in 122 Community Room
--viii. Door must be locked at all times to prevent non-members to enter – liability issues
--ix. Access only accompanied by Guard and only after sign-in – liability issues
--x. This is “not” a nursery
--xi. No sitter/daycare programs will be allowed
--xii. Q: what will happen to the maintenance/up-keep of 122 Community Room? Who will pay the extra wear & tear from “kids?”
-----A: clean up by parents, no refrigerator/food storage, no spillage, only “pilot program – if it’s a problem, it will not happen/go.
--xiii. Q: why is Board so worried legally only in 122 Community Room? Why not Playground? Why not anywhere else in the Complex? How is 122 Community Room different?
------A: no specific answer…, it was only said that the room was not intended for such use.
-b. Spring Egg Hunt
--i. Saturday, March 22nd
--ii. Planning Meeting, Tuesday, March 4th, 7p for volunteers
5. Co-op Finances
-a. Forgiveness Debt Act
--i. Deduct your mortgage interest
--ii. You should have received a Form from MGMT by now; if not, contact MGMT
-b. 0% increase in maintenance this calendar year
--i. Air rights – compensate shareholders $4.4 millions in bank
--ii. Recession
--iii. Operational budget is UP
---1) Details in Finance Committee
---2) For capital projects
--iv. Capital budget = $5.8 ± million
---1) $440+ k before air rights
---2) $1.3 million held per mortgage pre-air rights
---3) $4.4 million w/ air rights
-c. Mortgage refinance?
--i. Save on interest?
--ii. Volatile market – interest rate / treasury note forecast
--iii. Pre-payment penalty
--iv. Conclusion not good option
--v. Current return - 4±%
-d. Developer for 3 condos may sell out?
--i. Q: should UTAC consider purchasing the land to acquire the entire BLOCK to enhance property/investment value?
----A: too expensive – it’s not something we can afford.
-e. Garden apt
--i. 175/Unit 1P - $375k each have been sold to LIU as professional spaces
-f. Current 175 LIU professional spaces will be sold back to sponsor; they have been assessed at $1.5± million
6. Capital Projects
-a. Generator
--i. Elevator – only for elderly and needy use (others expected to use stairs)
--ii. Water
--iii. ASK OURSELVES: what do we really need to survive the 24-48 hours? Remember/think back to the last black out.
--iv. Evacuation
--v. ID who needs assistance
--vi. Communication/notification system – non-cell phone/e-mail
---1) Mega-phone
---2) Door-to-door
---3) Local precinct
--vii. Parking spots
---1) Resurfacing has been approved for Spring – 7 previously approved “new” spots north of 122
---2) Additional 15 newer spots have “not” been approved by Board, yet – this is the area with TREES….
▪ This is to be further studied, thus, these trees are not in any imminent danger; the project is on hold.
▪ Old & large trees overhang to the developer’s side – may have to come down; too large to re-locate.
▪ A Resident has submitted alternative parking layout to save trees – this can be viewed at http://kaganville.com/ut/trees_1.gif http://kaganville.com/ut/trees_2.gif
▪ If interested in newer parking spaces, call MGMT to get on “wait list.”
▪ The newer parking spaces – the 1st 7 spaces will go to the Sponsor, for 270 spaces are Sponsor’s by default. Any spaces beyond 270 will be open to non-Sponsors.
7. Suggestion was made to make the parking lot more pedestrian friendly
8. Suggestion was made to put benches in the Complex
9. Update – gas loss, possible credit to maintenance for 122 Residents from the days they had no gas services.
-a. This inquiry was brought up at recent QOL Meeting; it is in process of being looked into