Special thanks to Kiko Mikani for her superb note-taking! Please report any errors or omissions to tandavadance @ gmail.com.
I. Play Group Pilot Program Membership Guidelines.
A. The Board is looking into this, but have not made any official decision about it because of insurance policy issues; they hope to sort out within the month.
B. There are also some managerial issues to be sorted out, as the Board and Management expect it to be a parent-run program so that responsibility doesn’t fall on the board.
C. There is a copy of “Play Group Pilot Guidelines” available in the “Files” folder of the Yahoo Group site.
II. Update on Community Activity and Local Traffic ConditionsA. Diana, Rodney, and Tania met with a DOT representative and two representatives from the Car Wash.
1. The Board/UTAC suggested the following to address traffic issues on Willoughby Street:
(a) Mark lanes on Willoughby at Flatbush to delineate pedestrians and traffic.
(b) Post "Yield to pedestrians" signs on Willoughby.
(c) Allow two-way traffic on Willoughby.
(d) Increase the amount traffic enforcement officers for the area.
(e) Place a traffic light at Flatbush Avenue and Fleet Street.
2. The DOT responded as follows:
(a) “Yield” signs will be posted
(b) Traffic enforcement officers will be increased during rush hours.
(c) The DOT expects that the construction of a direct thru-street from Fleet Street & Willoughby to Myrtle will be accelerated to completion by June 2008 and suggested we wait on that development.
(d) There are two street-parking spaces in front of 165 and 167 Willoughby Street which are slated to be moved to the south side of Willoughby near the Department of Health building. This change may force right-turning Willoughby traffic onto the right side of the street – directly in front of the Car Wash, which will prevent the Car Wash from using that space for its business operation.
(e) The Car Wash has offered UTAC residents special discount business cards for those who are interested in servicing their vehicles at their business location.
3. The Board mentioned their concern about LIU expanding their athletic field in northward direction, taking over the wide sidewalk along Willoughby.
(a) There is no official word from LIU about this, and notes do not indicate the DOT’s view; there are three factors, however, which suggest LIU might not expand the field:
(i) LIU recently resurfaced that sidewalk, at its own expense (see
http://nyc.gov/html/dot/html/faqs/sidewalkfaqs.shtml#maintaining for legal details)
(ii) LIU has superior a athletic field on its Long Island campus, which is its primary facility.
(iii) Expanding the field would require considerable expense of taking down the stadium lighting at the north end of the field.
4. The Board concluded that this meeting resulted in a win-win outcome for all.
III. Security (
this is to be re-opened at formal and upcoming Security Meeting, so I am only putting the questions that were raised).
A. What is the difference between our security guards and doormen?
B. Many residents loan their swiper cards to non-residents; should this be allowed?
IV. Pedestrian Access with Future Neighbor on Myrtle (
possible supermarket)
A. There has no discussion between developer and UTAC regarding vehicular access.
B. The Board plans to raise pedestrian access in developer's plans, but security between the two lots will be an issue.
V. City DOT Parking Resident Passes for $75-125/yearLittle comment was offered by the Board on this issue, but there is more info here:
http://www.streetsblog.org/2008/02/05/dot-relax-brooklyn-rpps-not-just-for-downtown/VI. Elevators - Upgrade, Cab Refurbishing.
A. The base cost will be more than $600,000 for all buildings.
B. The Board and Management have not decided which building and cab will go first.
C. They had originally planned to do 122 first. (
Note: in the October meeting, they said 122 was not going to be the first building) but 175 began to have greater and more imminent problems.
D. The contract was recently signed, and there is a 11-week lead time after signing contract, so the first cab will be renovated in Fall 2008.
E. One cab will be done at a time, 11 weeks per cab.
F. Air circulation will be improved, but there will be no air conditioning.
G. A CCTV feature for security will be installed in the cabs.
H. Each cab will have an intercom feature for emergencies. For example, there was a blackout affecting the 7th and/or 8th floors of 122 during the prior weekend, leaving a family stuck in an elevator; an intercom would have enabled the family to communicate with Security. (The blackout seemed mainly to affect the halls and some stairwell lights; it may have been caused by a blown fuse).
I. Decisions are still being made about the cab interior colors and materials.
J. The Board purchased a Generator Backup System.
VII. Mid-Lobby Upgrade.A. The area in front of the lobby elevators will be upgraded – likely after the cab installations are completed since both renovations could create logistics problems.
B. Enhancements that are being explored include:
1. mirror walls
2. panel walls
3. directions to apt units on each floor
4. different floor materials (carpet/tiles/current)
5. paintings on walls
6. improved lighthing
C. The Board will share its explorations in a poster board.
VIII. Children's Spring Egg Hunt - Planning, Volunteers Needed.A. It is scheduled for the Saturday before Easter, March 22nd, rain or shine.
B. Preparation will be during the day/evening of Saturday, possibly Friday, March 21st.
IX. Fort Greene Conservancy.A. This is a not-for-profit organization devoted to preserving and enhancing Fort Greene Park. Go to http://www.fortgreenepark.org/pages/contents.htm for details.
B. The 100th Anniversary of the Fort Greene War Memorial's will be this October/November 2008.
C. A guest speaker will join us at our 26th Shareholder's Meeting.
X. NYC Plant A Tree Program.A. The Department of Parks & Recreation will plant trees along Ashland and Willoughby (the Board hopes on both sides).
B. Michael Urena is the point/contact person with the DPR.
C. University Towers will buy and put iron planter covers/protectors.
D. Once trees are in place, Diane plans to start an adopt/care-for-a-tree program.
E. Go to
http://www.treesny.com/trees_5boro.htm for more info.
XI. Condition of Landscaping at 122 Entrance.A. In general 191 always looks the best, while 175 & 122 declines.
B. This coming year, there is a uniform landscape in plans.
XII. Status of Claim Filed Re: 2007 Gas Interruption in 122A. An adjuster has been hired.
B. A claim has been placed UTAC at AIG for TimeWarner.
C. Will residents whose gas service was interrupted receive credits on their maintenance? The Board said they will look into it. (Note: Per a 1/31/08 email from Michal Urena to me, an additional $25,000 was added to the claim to provide per diem reimbursement to residents who did not receive gas service; I do not know why the Board did not share this information.)
D. If take-out food had to be bought during the gas outage, residents should keep receipts to file claims with insurance work when that occurs.
XIII. Cigarette Smoking in Indoor Common Areas.
A. In some cases, vents may be operating in reverse. (To find out, place tissue at your vent. if it stays there, air is going out. if it falls or come to you, air is coming into your unit.)
B. There is no house rule regarding smoking in private areas at this time.
C. A question was raised as to whether we should institute a no-smoking policy, but the Board did not offer any opinion.
D. A resident suggested that smokers should seal their doors.
XIV. Maintenance of the Official UTAC Web Site (
A. The website has not been updated reliably and has even been left offline for periods. The developer, who gets paid per assignment, claims that there are other jobs “ahead” of University Towers’ which delay the work.
B. A resident shareholder who is a web designer has offered his services to maintain the website, but has been repeatedly turned down by Management with no reason.
C. The attending Board members will reiterate the shareholder/website developer’s offer to Management and the rest of the Board.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 4th, @ 7pm in the 122 Community Room. Light refreshments will be served.